Student Name Change Process In India – Name Correction In Birth Certificate 2023

Student Name Change Process in India – If students have recently changed their names or have errors in their documents, they have to correct their name in order to avoid problems.

The following article will help you understand the whole process of changing your name in educational certificates and the reasons why students change their names. 

In this article, we are sharing the Student Name Change Process in India. If you read this article carefully, you will receive all the information you need. As the process became more convenient online, people could change their names on their birth certificates and, slowly their educational certificates as well. 


Reasons For Student Name Change Process In India

India is a vast country where there are different religions and different people have different reasons for changing their name on educational certificates some of the common reasons are:-

  • The student’s name is misspelled.
  • The student must have changed their name because their parents might get divorced or re-married.
  • The student have completely changed their name because of the modern age 
  • Change of name due to religious belief, numerological reasons, or astrological reasons.

These are the most common reasons why students change their but there might be other genuine reasons why students change their name.


Documents Required For Student Name Change Process In India

  • The below documents are required for name change in India.
  • You will need identity proof and any legal documents like an AADHAR card, PAN card, etc can be used for that. 
  • If the student is a minor then their birth certificate will also be needed and the legal identity of their parents.
  • A passport-size photo will be needed of the student
  • An application form is also required that should be signed by the student and the details of the old name and new name should be there if the student is a minor then it should be signed by the parents. 

These are all the important documents that are required to submit to the authorities and sometimes the educational institution may also ask for a copy of the article and the affidavit to be submitted so make copies of every document that is submitted by you. 

Read More:- Name Change Agent In Bangalore


Process Of Student Name Change In India For Educational Certificates

If students want to change their name then they should follow the below procedure. The procedure consists of five steps and all the steps should be thoroughly read.


The first step that a student is to do is create an affidavit which they will get from the notary office, so they can visit the local notary office and get the name change affidavit and fill in all the details about their new name, old name, and why do you need to change your name, and submit it the office. It will also contain your father’s name and your full address. 

Format of the affidavit

I, ____ (your full name) son/daughter of ____ (father’s or mother’s name in full) resident of ___ (mention your full address) solemnly confirm that:

  • I am a citizen of India
  • My date of birth is ___
  • I have changed my name to ____ (new name) from ___ (old name) 
  • In the future, I will be known to __ (new name)
  • I would like my educational certificate will also get updated. 
  • All the information mentioned above is correct and I am aware of all the information. 



The affidavit has been verified on ___ (date of submission) and the content of the affidavit is not forged and is true to my knowledge. 

Publishing Ads in Newspaper

After submitting the affidavit you have to publish the information about your name change in the local newspaper and for that you, have to form two articles one in English and the other in your local language. And submit it to the respective newspapers so that they can publish it. Details that should be mentioned in the article are as follows:-

  • Old and new name of the student
  • Full address of the student
  • Age of the student
  • Father’s name
  • The name of the notary office who attested the affidavit

Sample for the newspaper article

I ___ (full name) son/daughter of ___ (father’s full name) resident of ___ (full address) have changed my name from __ (old name) to ___ (new name) and would like my educational certificates to have my new name.

Gazette Notification

Once your articles have been published, you have to make a deed of your new name that has to be submitted to the official gazette notification of the state, and with this, you have to submit copies of the articles and the affidavit.


After this all your documents and forms will be verified by the Department of Commerce and for verification you will have to submit the following documents:-

  • A letter will be needed that is to be submitted to the secretary about your new name.
  • The deed changing form
  • Two copies of the newspaper articles
  • The affidavit that is self-attested
  • Copy of your new identity which can be submitted through the document PAN card, AADHAR card, etc. 


After your documents are verified by the secretary they will get the approval of the State Gazette. 

Now that your name has been changed you should visit your educational institution and tell them about your new name and that legally all the steps have been done and give them the documents of the new change. And after some time of submitting the documents your educational certificate will have your new name. 

Additional Details About The Process

There are some things that you should know about the name change process in India

  • The printing cost for publishing a name change article will be Rs. 1100 for a person and it can also increase according to the newspaper.
  • The payment for the printing is required to be made in advance or by the demand draft.
  • The public dealing hours for the name change process are 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The timings may vary according to different states but generally, this is the usual timing of the department.
  • If you want additional copies of the gazette is Rs. 35 for up to 2 copies.
  • For Indians who live overseas, the cost of publishing a new name change is Rs. 3500 
  • Once you have submitted the documents to the authorities you cannot get them back so be careful while submitting the documents and keep in mind to take the copies of the documents. 
  • If a person takes the name of another religion without changing the religion then you should submit the affidavit stating about it and it will cost you around Rs. 1350. 

You should be careful while going through the procedure of name change and keep in mind the above points so that you don’t have to bear any problems. 

Important Points To Be Noted While Changing Students’ Names In India

If you are changing your name in educational certificates then you should know about the following points.

  • Majorities of the registrars of the institution deal with the student’s name change if they are enrolled in the educational institute.
  • If you are a student who has passed out from the institute, then you will be required to submit many papers and documents.
  • There are some special circumstances in which documents like marriage certificates, birth certificates, divorce certificates, etc are all acceptable.
  • Students should go and personally meet the registrar about the name change and submit all their documents.
  • You can also change your name after graduation for which you will be needing affidavits that must be signed by the local authorities. 

It is important to consider all the above points while making changes to your name and adhere to them.

The above-mentioned is the easiest process for you and if you carefully step by step follow it then you won’t get stuck in any kind of trouble. 

Read Also:- How To Name Change In Gazette

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the fee structure of the student name change process in India?

As there are different steps of name changing process you have different amounts at different steps. As the affidavit will be charged Rs. 10 to Rs. 15 after that, you will be required to pay for the newspaper articles, and then you have to pay to the Gazette of India. The cost will differ according to the newspapers and the gazette’s charge also would be different according to the state. Overall, it will cost you approximately Rs.3000 to Rs. 5000. 

Is Gazette notification important for the student name change process in India?

Yes, the Gazette is the final and the most important step in changing your name, and because of the Gazette notification, your name will be legalized if it is changed.

Can we do the process of student name change process in India online?

Yes, the student name change process can be done online, and from the official site you can download the form and submit it to the notary but the rest of the process of newspaper publication and gazette has to be done physically.

Can the institution reject the plea for the name change of the student in their certificate?

No, a registrar cannot refuse to change a student’s name in the educational certificate but sometimes institutions only change the name of students who are still in the institution and refuse to those who are passed out.

Can we hire someone for the student name change process in India?

Yes, you can hire agents to change your name officially. 

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