Online Name Change in Birth Certificate MP


An online name change in birth Certificate MP could be your topic of interest if you have been planning to change your name, or maybe your surname, or both of them. Who knows? Then you are at the right place because here we have all that tiny and grand information that you are looking for before you spin the wheel of changing names. Or maybe you must have cooled back from giving it a practical try because you might be thinking of it as a costly process that will taz both your time and your money. But truth to be told it is as smooth as butter. So, all you need is the right guide and this blog will fill that Void of information you are facing for online name change in birth Certificate MP. So let’s begin

An online name change in Birth Certificate MP: Get to know the basics of Birth Certificate


Well, it is surprising if you don’t know about birth certificates. Because this procedure of name changes is going to ask for a previous birth Certificate as a legal testimonial document. To Introduce this piece of paper it is one such document that can make or break your identity it can put your existence in question. So be sure to get an issue of your birth certificate as it is going to assist you in the long run for all legal and Government as well as career-related domains. This document is issued by the MC of the respective city where the applicant (or his/her) child is born.

Who can apply for an Online name change in birth certificate in MP

Do you have a laptop? Are you a confidant of the candidates who are willing to take on the name change process? Are you a best friend of a relative or Guardians of the candidate willing to have a name change? Then you all are eligible to apply because there’s no restriction about who, why, and when can apply for the Online name change in birth Certificate MP however it has to be done willingly by the candidates and shouldn’t be a forced decision 

Documents one needs to produce for Online name change in birth certificate in MP

If you are set out on the name change endeavor then there’s one thing that can become a hinder in your Journey. That’s the missing papers, so don’t forget to .akenas file with the originals as well as the Photocopy of the below-listed documents. 

  1. Receipt from the hospital to validate the birth of a child
  2. VC (Voter Identity) or Adhaar Card of mom
  3. VC (Voter Identity) or Adhaar Card of dad
  4. A legal Affidavit requesting a name change

Notes:All of these documents must be issued by either the Central Government or the state government because they will be rejected if they are obtained from malicious sources.

Reasons behind online name change in birth certificate in MP:

Be it a choice or a decision made out of superstition. Or maybe because your parents think that you need a fancy name or vice versa. Getting married or getting divorced and whatnot? These are an endless list of the reason and ideas with which the candidates come requesting a name change, some common ones are:

  1. The Candidates Adoptive parents want to give a new name to the Child
  2. You got married or got divorced
  3. Change your gender? Change your name then 
  4. Some religious reasons
  5. Or Maybe your name is too long or too short

It might sound absurd but there are multiple reasons similar to this behind the motivation of getting a name change.  What’s yours?

Process of Online Name Change in Birth Certificate in MP 

A few steps here and there and you will be all set to begin your name change process, however, in the Initial stage, you have to do a few things that too very carefully so that nothing goes amiss at the further stages of online name change in birth Certificate MP. So at first getting this notification published became the key to the next stages. 

“My name is Saman Sheikh, My father’s name is Nihaal Sheikh & mother’s name is Nazni Shiekh. I belong to Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Mistakenly my name has been written as Saman Sheikh. My actual name is Sadia Abdullah.”

The name change process will begin with the creation of a Gazetted notification for your use.

An online name change in birth certificate MP: How to get Gazette Notification out in Madhya Pradesh 

In Madhya Pradesh, if you are willing to step ahead with the process name change then you have to go through a Channel of processes that are the backbone of this whole thing. If you don’t know what are they then we have your back. So what you have to do is to :

  1. Create an Affidavit
  2. Publish a Central Gazette notification
  3. Get a NOC by the public by getting no objection raised within 4 weeks of Publication. 

And this is all you need to create a new identity for yourself. Let’s have a look in detail.  

Step 1- Creating Affidavit

To serve your purpose, you must obtain an affidavit that includes the following statement announcing your name change and stating that it is completely legal.

“My name is Saman Sheikh, My father’s name is Nihaal Sheikh & mother’s name is Nazni Shiekh. I belong to Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Mistakenly my name has been written as Saman Sheikh. My actual name is Sadia Abdullah.”

This statement should be issued by you and attested by the Notary

Step 2- Publicize in the newspaper for Name Change in MP

This should be mentioned in the newspaper advertisement, which should be in two languages: regional (Bundeli, Bagheli, Nimari, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, and Malawi ) and national (either Hindi or English) for Uttar Pradesh residents. This is to publicize your decision to change your name and invite objections (if any exist); if no objections are received, then this is the best news for you. This procedure will take time because it requires a 30-day waiting period before proceeding to the next step of this online name change in the birth certificate UP planning.

Step 3- Gazette Notification

Prepare envelopes of 1000-1500 rupees or even more (depending upon the prescribed fees) for getting a Gazetted notification issued stating your name changes with your address, this is referred to as a public notice board and NOC earned through this will procure a legal name change document for you. 

Benefits of online name change in the birth certificate in MP

  • To receive admission
  • To get fundamental rights of voting and right to property
  • Get yourself a passport
  • Licenses like driving and Gun
  • Ration card
  • Insurance policies purchasing 


Q: Can I change my name differently than online on my birth certificate in Madhya Pradesh 

Ans: Yes you can carry out this process with the help of the officials for your Municipal Corporation who is responsible for Handling Birth and Death Certificate Works in the office. Just drop the Application with a form and your fees. Your Application will get processed within 15 days. 

Q: When did the change take effect after the notices were published?

Ans: After 4 weeks till the dates it has got published. Within that period you have to obtain a public NOC and then you will be issued a new Birth Certificate with your new name 

Q: Can we apply for the name changes within six months of the issuing of a birth Certificate?

Ans: Yes you can apply for a name change after six months of the child’s Birth however the process will be no different so be mindful about your decision because you can’t Change your name frequently. 

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