How to Change Name After Marriage ?

In India, it’s seen that women’s change name after marriage or add their husband’s surnames along with their name. It’s not a rule; it’s a couple of own decisions whether she adds her husband’s surname or leaves it as it is.

name change after marriage

Most people don’t know that changing a name after marriage is not compulsory. Women are free to opt for this or not. In India, it’s a kind of a culture which is coming from era to era that after a woman add her husband’s surname as they tie in a beautiful relationship, its shows a togetherness to be a lifeline partners forever.

In today’s article, we are going to tell the process of after marriage name change process along with its benefits as well as how to change surname and middle. Most of the time, it happens when a female is married to someone. She started using her husband’s surname. This becomes an integral part for them to make changes in their essential documents. Here we are going to share steps to change name after marriage according to the regulations of the Indian Government without any problem.  

Procedure to Change Your Name after Marriage in India :

If you want to change your name after marriage in India, then you have to go through a couple of procedures. Here is what goes on after marriage name change process:

Step 1 – Notarized Affidavit Document 

  • File a joint affidavit with a declaration of marriage. This affidavit should include details such as your maiden name, proposed new name, husband’s name, and address. 
  • Print the affidavit on an INR 10 stamp paper and have it duly signed by the husband and wife 
  • Attach the marriage certificate and passport-sized photographs of husband and wife to the signed affidavit
  • Visit a notary to notarize the affidavit. This procedure will incur a legal fee.   
  • Publish an advertisement about the name change in two local newspapers/dailies.

Step 2 – News Paper Ad

Very Important step in officially declaring your new name. After getting an updated marriage certificate and successfully going through the affidavit, now it’s time to announce your new name by publishing it in two newspapers (one in English and another one in your mother tongue language. No need to worry about the format to publish your name as the newspaper agency has already updated with all advertisement patterns. That Declaration of name change will be published in the Gazette of India, which is an official journal published by the Government of India.

Step 3 – Gazette Notification Process

Now, this is the most important part. After you’ve successfully changed your name and published it in the Gazette of India, you have to change your name in other documentation like your bank accounts, P.A.N. Card, Passport, Aadhar Card, High School Certificates, etc. Take any relevant documents which contain your name change info and submit it to those places where you got your P.A.N. passport, Aadhar, etc. to update your How to change your name on government documents:

Step 1: Send a formal request for a name change due to marriage to the Gazette department together with a copy of the marriage certificate and address verification.

Step 2: send or deliver the supporting documentation to the appropriate department for verification.

Step 3: Request the department publish the same information in the upcoming Gazette publication.

Step 4: Within 15 to 20 working days, the registered post will deliver a Gazette notification to your address. This serves as evidence of your name change after marriage.

Step 5: Publish an advertisement about the name change in two local newspapers/dailies. A sample for the same has been provided below.

For more information regarding the procedure of change your name after marriage.

Important Documents for Name Change after Marriage :

  • ID Proof: Driving Licence, Passport or Voter ID, Aadhaar Card or Pan Card, Ration Card
  • Address Proof document: Electricity Bill or Aadhaar Card or Ration Card
  • One Passport Size Photo
  • Application Form: Duly Signed Application Form with all details
  • Old Name: Name Before Marriage
  • New Name: Name After Marriage
  • Reason: the reason for a Name change
  • Marriage certificate (if available, for females after Marriage)

There are several reasons to change your name, including :

  1. There is no middle or last name or surname.
  2. Certificates issued by universities or colleges have various names.
  3. Different names appear on identity documents
  4. The name was accidentally or unintentionally misspelled during translation.
  5. After marriage, women’s names change
  6. After a second marriage, a lady must adopt a new name.
  7. Name change for a passport, especially on the birth certificate and transcript.
  8. Because the name’s original spelling contained typos
  9. The name is altered as a result of adoption.
  10. People change their names as a result of astrological or numerological (number computation) analysis.
  11. A person’s name changes if they change their religion.
  12. A new name to reflect a change in occupation, etc
  13. A name change to reflect a change in occupation, etc.

When ought you decide to continue using your maiden name?

You Can Maintain your maiden name: if you have any of the following issues.

You are pretty much active on social media.

Changing your last name might not be a smart choice if you’re an author, artist, or independent internet influencer with a large following. This is because a tonne of content that was previously published under your original identity will be the reason.

You Hold a Lot of Legal Positions

Maintain your maiden name if you own a business or have legal connections to other organizations. Deals with other parties will be simpler as a result, and you won’t have to include your husband in your career or business.

Your husband has an odd last name.

Your husband’s last name could occasionally be strange or ridiculous. Without intending to offend any of the husbands out there, we can confirm that you are free to use your maiden name if you find your husband’s surname too peculiar. This doesn’t imply you don’t love your husband; it merely means that, given your choices, you don’t like his last name.

The after marriage name change process is one of the most enjoyable. You gain several advantages, such as favorable legal and financial treatment and social acceptability as a married couple. Additionally, even if you don’t change your name after marriage, you will still benefit from some of them, except the time when others ask you why you didn’t or how you can prove your marriage. Both benefits and drawbacks exist, but only you may determine whether you want to change your name. That’s it. It is that simple.

How to Get Help in this process ?


Name change after marriage can become a very tedious process. This requires one to understand the legal procedure, as well as pay multiple visits to various government offices, which can become very cumbersome. This is where YOURDOORSTEP comes to the rescue. Get in touch with yourdoorsteps who best understand your requirements. Do not miss out on tiny details or compliance requirements. You just need to call us at +91 9540005026 and we can help you resolve all your legal queries.

Conclusion :

We will discuss How to change name after marriage. 

In India, there are several processes used to change your name, hope this is clear by the above-mentioned information. This article clears up all your numerous misconceptions.

This article mentions the procedure as well as Documents required for name change after marriage for that particular procedure. Thanks to this post, all of them have been dispelled. I’m hoping that this post may be useful to you in answering your name-changing process after marriage in India.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

What legal documents must be updated following a marriage?

The marriage certificate and the jointly notarized affidavit are typically required to change your name in banks. In addition to the name change request, don’t forget to update your address. Here, the bank might also want you to provide them with documentation proving your husband’s address, like a copy of his passport.

Is a name change required after marriage?

The practice of a woman using her current husband’s surname with her name after marriage or remarriage is not required by law or the rule of thumb.

When I get married, who do I need to notify?

They consist of: 

• Company pension plan.

• A building society or bank.

• The child’s school or day-care center.

• Council levies.

• Credit card providers.

• Dentist.

• A driver’s license.

• Card for European Health Insurance.

A married woman can use her husband’s last name, right?

No. Current legal precedent states that “a married woman has the option, but not a duty, to use the husband’s surname.” Married women, therefore, have the choice to continue using their maiden name or: Their maiden first name and surname and add their husband’s surname.

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