Legal steps to change name in Gujarat

There are several reasons why someone would alter their name in India. It could be a result of getting married, good fortune, or a new identity. The procedure to change one’s name is drawn out and involves several administrative requirements. Your doorstep will handle all the paperwork and files, making the process simple for you. The process to change name in Gujarat and your last name in the Gujarat Gazette takes an offline procedure. Citizens of Gujarat may apply to change their names through the Central Gazette. If you don’t want to do any hard work, yourdoorstep team will help you in this process at your home comfort.

Legal process to change name in Gujarat online

We assist the citizens of Gujarat to process to change name in Gujarat their names on official documents such as passports, voter id cards, Aadhaar cards, school and educational certificates, land and property records, and any other documents that require a change name in Gujarat.

Theare are various reasons to name change : 

  • An error was found on the birth certificate.
  • Women often change their names following a divorce.
  • Spelling errors in documents
  • About the adoption of children
  • Personality can be altered by religion.
  • Astrology or Numerology 
  • A change in last names
  • Gender Change
  • Transformation of One’s Self
  • On the school certificate, there was a clerical error.
  • After getting married, a lot of women decide to alter their names.

In our nation, an application to change one’s name must be submitted to the appropriate government department, which in our case is the Government Printing Press – Gazette of India. This department then officially issues a Notification certifying that the Name Change process has been finished. Insofar as the name is concerned, this Notification imposes a requirement on all departments, regardless of whether they are public or private. In our country, an application to change one’s name must be submitted to the appropriate government department.

Documents Required for change name in Gujarat :

The following things should be followed for procedure of change name in Gujarat :

Documents Required for change name in Gujarat
  • An affidavit that has been appropriately signed by the applicant and attested by a Judicial Magistrate or Notary Public is required.
  • The original publication in which the change ad was placed.
  • Signatures of the applicant and two witnesses are required on the prescribed proforma.
  • A compact disc with the application’s soft copy is saved in Microsoft Word format. It is required that the applicant’s previous name be provided in place of the applicant’s signature, although witness information is not required to be presented.
  • The applicant attests that both the hard copy and the soft copy are completely similar. The certificate needs to bear the applicant’s signature in the appropriate place.
  • The applicant must provide two photographs in passport format, each of which must bear his or her signature and date.
  • A self-attested photocopy of a current and valid form of identification presented by the applicant
  • The relevant authority specifies a letter of request and the appropriate payment.

The documents indicated above, along with a covering note, need to be sent to The Controller of Publications at the Department of Publication located at Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. To comply with the department’s requirements, the papers can either be delivered in person, mailed, or delivered by courier.

Apply for change name in Gujarat Eligibilty:

  • The applicant is required to present a valid identification card that was granted by the government during the past few years.
  • The applicant needs to present a compelling argument for why they should be allowed to alter their name.
  • In the event that a child has to change their name, the child’s parents will be the ones to apply for the change.
  • The candidate has to be a resident of India in order to be considered.

Rules involved in change name procedure in Gujarat

The legislation of India permits its inhabitants to change their names to whatever they like, although there are several restrictions on this right. They are as follows to change name in Gujarat :

  • It violates the law to change your name to hide your true identity.
  • It is not permissible to alter your name to dodge your financial obligations or get out of trouble with the law.
  • If you cannot demonstrate that you have no intention of misleading anyone, the court will not allow you to change your name to that of a well-known individual.

It is important that the name not be vulgar or offensive in any way. You are not allowed to select a name that is difficult to spell or contains punctuation.

Gazette Process to change name in Gujarat :  

Gazette Process to change name in Gujarat

gazette process to change name in Gujarat are as follows:

  • Affidavit for a Name Change
  • Publication in Newspaper 
  • Gazette Notification

Step : 1 Legal Affidavit for change name in Gujarat

After you’ve made your name change affidavit, the next important step is to get it attested.We are able to assist you with the public notaries in your city. After you have obtained your affidavit that has been notarized, you will have the option of either printing the notices in newspapers and the Gazette on your own or letting us assist you with the procedure.

Step 2 : Newspaper AD Publication 

Once you’ve done the first steps above, change name in Gujarat. Then the role of the newspaper comes into play in Changing the Name. You need to put an ad for news in two local newspapers: one in Hindi and one in English. Some essential things that should be in the name-change notice in the newspaper:

  • What age are you currently?
  • Changing the Applicant’s Name Putting the Applicant’s Name First Providing the Full
  • The date that the applicant swears or affirms to the information in the application.
  • Address of the Applicant
  • The applicant’s father or husband’s name should be listed here.
  • The name of the Notary Public who witnessed the signing of the affidavit

Before you put an ad in a newspaper, you should always double-check the ad’s content. Every single one of the points mentioned above is appropriate and accurate. A minor mistake can cause your entire method to fail.

Step 3 : Gazette Notification Publication for name change

The last step in the process to legal change name in Gujarat is to publish a notification in Central gazette or in state gazette but central gazette preferrable. The name on most documents, like a driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN card, and many others, can be changed without notice in the Gazette. However, some authorities, like the Public Service Commission and public sector banks, require a notice in the Gazette if the new name is on the application. So, having a Gazette notification ready is a good idea.

Even though each state has its Gazette, it only serves the needs of those who live there. Name change helps get notices printed in the Central Gazette, Delhi.

Step 4 : Your previous ID required 

This means you need to provide any Government old name Id Eg:- Addhar, Voter, Pan Etc

Step 5 : Make a digital CD

You need to Make a digital CD which needs to submit to the gazette office. Take The CD form of the Gazette file and Burn it. these are the things require for change name in Gujarat.

How our consultant team will help you :

How our consultant team will help you :

Yourdoorstep is a well known and establish consultant in name change domains in India. To book an order or for any query or concern related to Name Change In India, please speak to one of the consultants over the phone or chat. Or drop a message on this number. Call now on 09540005026. Our Services are delivering services connected to paperwork for changing a person’s name by the guidelines established by the Gujarat government Gazette for residents of Gujarat.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Name change Government Gazette office in Gujarat.

The Government Gazette office located in Gujarat,  4th Floor, Udyog Bhavan, Gandhinagar-382 011, Phone : 079-23259351

Is it possible for me to publish the gazette with my personal information?

No. The official notifications the government mandates are the only ones printed in the gazette. Nevertheless, a notice of changes to a person’s name, surname, or birth date must be published following the protocol established by the government.

What are some compelling arguments in favor of rename yourself?

You may wish to change your name after going through a divorce; You may want to change your name to pay homage to your heritage, ethnicity, or religion; and Alter your name in recognition of a stepparent or any other individual who has played an important role in your life, and Hyphenating your surnames together will result in the creation of a new last name for both you and your spouse.

How frequently are you allowed to change your name?

There is no cap on the number of times you are permitted, under the law, to change your name. Furthermore, the question that needs to be answered is not the number of times a word has been changed; the question that needs to be answered is whether or not the person is changing their name for fraudulent reasons. Because of this, a background check is required to be performed before any name change is made.

How can you provide evidence that you have legally changed your name?

You can submit a request to the court that initially issued the order to change your name to obtain a certified copy of the order. One institution requiring official documentation of a name change is the Social Security Administration. Another example would be the Department of Motor Vehicles. This is necessary for you to obtain a new Social Security card and a state identification card.

Who should be informed if you decide to change your name?

The law enforcement agency: If you have a criminal history, the law enforcement agency will need to be informed of your new name. Any change in information needs to be communicated to relevant parties, including insurance providers, utility companies, local councils, and the electoral roll.

May I have permission to use two different last names?

A double-barrelled surname incorporates the surnames of both individuals in a married couple. You can join the two parts of the new surname with a hyphen or keep them separate.

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