How to change Name on Educational Certificates Rs 999 ?

Change Name on Educational Certificates

An educational certificate is a piece of paper confirming that a student has successfully completed all requirements for a given study period. When you graduate high school, you will be awarded a diploma that details your performance during your time at that particular level of education. When applying to colleges, you will need this certificate, and some employers may be willing to accept it for entry-level positions that do not require a degree. If you are someone who wants to change name on educational certificates or wish to correct the misspelled name in your education certificates, this article will help you navigate the procedure.

Employers look to the certificate as evidence that the candidate has been trained for the position, that the candidate has completed the course, and that the candidate is qualified to work. Individuals who desire to continue their studies following the program and achieve a master’s or even a doctoral degree will be issued a certificate upon completion. Educational certificates can also be made up of certifications, like university attestations and (if needed) leaving certificates.

If you attend an accredited college and complete all required coursework, you will be awarded a diploma. If you attend an accredited college and complete all required coursework, you will be awarded a diploma. This is a degree certificate that can be shown in support of your application to graduate school as well as work opportunities.

How to Change Name in Education Marksheet

The process of name change in educational certificates is pretty much the same as the process for changing your name legally.

If you want to name change process in educational certificate, follow the steps below:

  • Sign an affidavit.
  • Put the notice in a newspaper
  • Gazette Notification
  • Make sure the rules are followed.
  • Approval

Step 1: Sign an affidavit

You can make an affidavit for a name change if you have the assistance of a notary public in the area who has the necessary experience in the sector. You will have to explain why you want to change name on educational certificates. For example, after a woman gets married in some parts of India, she may get a new name by taking her husband’s last name. It is also possible that she will attempt to modify this legally or that someone else will wish to change it because it is awkward to say or is too long.

Step 2: Make the announcement in the newspaper

After that, you must tell at least two local Ad on newspapers or those that run in the area where you live that your name has changed. You should put one in an English daily and the other in a local paper. This is done to ensure that people are aware of your new name and that they are willing to use it. Additionally, it is essential that you keep a copy of the newspaper in your possession at all times.

It’s important that you tell everyone about this because everyone should know that you’re trying to change your name, and no one you’re legally responsible for could question or stop you from doing this.

Step 3: Gazette Notification 

Then you should have it printed in the official newspaper of the state where you live. For example, if you live in Tamil Nadu, you should have the name change printed in the Tamil Nadu Official Gazette. Fill out a form at the gazette office to change your name by deed so that your new name can be printed in the Official Gazette. Don’t forget to make several copies of this publication and send them to the office so that a notice can be put in the government press that you want to change name on educational certificates.

Step 4: Make sure the rules are followed

Now comes the part where the authorities or officials from the Department of Commerce and the Secretary of Transportation start checking the documents you sent. You’ll need to send the following things for the process to be completed.

  • A letter is telling the secretary you want to change name on educational certificates and asking for permission to do so.
  • The form, namely the deed changing name form. 
  • At least two copies of the local newspaper where you put your name in print, along with proof that you did so.
  • A copy of the affidavit that has been notarized.
  • A photocopy of a valid form of identification that you currently possess, such as a voter ID card, a PAN card, a passport, a driver’s license, an Aadhaar card, or a comparable document.

Step 5: Approval

After getting permission from the secretary, you have to give it to the office of the local gazette. In order to receive the necessary approval, the office will need to publish it in the local newspaper, which will cost you additional money. You are free to go to your school and inform them that you have been granted permission to change your name now that you have successfully completed the legal process of changing your name. 

It would be good to go to the college administration office in person to make sure that the name change doesn’t cause any problems. Once you’ve sent in the paperwork to prove that your name has changed, it will only be a matter of time before it shows up on your education certificate, just as you asked.

With all the changes in technology and how easy it is to do things, changing your name would be a simple process you could follow to get your new name. The only thing to remember is that it is important to follow all of the laws, rules, and regulations that are in place so that you can change name on educational certificates any trouble and make it official by following all of the laws, rules, and regulations in place.

Anyone might need to change their name at some point. This could be because their name is misspelled or it is hard to pronounce. No matter what the situation is, the above-mentioned steps must be taken to change the name and get a new legal name.

Important Points To Understand 

When you go to change your name on your educational certificates, there are a few things you need to keep in mind, including the following:

  • The vast majority of school and university registrars are only able to process name changes for pupils who are already enrolled in the institution.
  • On the other hand, former pupils would be required to present a variety of documentation in order to make changes to their names.
  • This requires submitting a completely filled-out application form for name change certification, affidavit, newspaper ad cutting, and Gazette form, as well as all of the supporting documents listed on the application form.
  • A court order for a divorce, a marriage certificate, certifications from the court, a social security card, a passport, and either a driver’s license or a state identification card are all examples of valid documents.
  • Most schools ask students to turn in these papers in person or by registered mail.


Since you have completed the legal process necessary to change name on educational certificates, you are free to approach any educational institution of your choosing and let them know about the new name. It would be to one’s advantage to pay the office of the college administration a personal visit in person. Once you have submitted the all-important paperwork certifying the name change, the only thing left to do is wait for it to be reflected on your educational certificate. Once you have done this, it will only be a question of time. Once you have done this, the name change will be official.

When it comes to change name on educational certificates, the method outlined above is a simplified version of the numerous problems and intricacies involved.

 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Where is India’s Central Gazette office?

The official Government gazette office is at Civil Lines, Delhi 110054, in Delhi.

2. How much does it cost in India to legally name change process in education?

What are the Fees for the Gazette Notification – 

The Government will be in charge of putting in the Gazette any changes to your name. Gazette notifications can cost between Rs. 700 and Rs. 900, depending on whether or not you want a public notice.

3. How does one change their name?

In India, there are three steps to the process of name Change in educational certificates – 

Affidavit: For the name change, you need to make an affidavit. Publication of an ad: A notice should be printed in the newspaper. Gazette Notification: A statement about the name change should be printed in the Gazette of India.

4. Can a name be changed on a certificate of education?

Approval. After the secretary gives you permission, you’ll have to send it to the local gazette office. You will also have to pay a fee to get it printed in the newspaper. Now that you have legally changed your name, you can go to the school and tell them your new name.

5. Is the Gazette process necessary to change the name in certificates?

Yes, this is one of the best and legal processes to make changes in your educational mark sheet/certificates. You can easily apply on yourdoorstep portal and get everything done without any hassle at your home.

6. How to change your name on an educational certificate?

  • Make a sworn statement. A local notary can help you make an affidavit for a name change.
  • Change my name in the newspaper. Then, you have to tell at least two local newspapers about the name change.
  • Look for Gazette Notification.
  • Verification. 
  • Approval.
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