Procedure to change surname in India?

You are on the perfect page if you want to learn about the procedure to change surname in India. It is not unique that people change their surname, especially after a wedding in India. Whether it is just adding or deleting the initial from the existing surname or changing it completely, you need to understand how you can change surname online process so that you can get going with the process easily.

One of the important things people have realized by now is that women are most likely interested in learning about the surname change procedure, especially for marital reasons. Even though it would seem like just one in 10 women are changing their name, the procedure is lengthy and not public-friendly. Well, if you are looking forward to going with an online or offline procedure for a name change, then you can get all the details here.

Procedure to change surname in India?

Basics about the name change

Ideally, a name change is all about the process of changing your name that will be different for all people because it all depends on your birth, adoption name, marriage name. It is important for you to know that your name has a legal effect and once you go through the name change, you have to go through the legal process because that name will be your legal and the only name you would have. Before going through the process of changing your surname or name, you have to understand it completely because it has legal implications.

The procedure to change your name

There are some important steps that you need to know if you want to go through the change surname online process.


During the surname change procedure, you must go through a name change process where you have to submit the affidavit that will help you change your name. An affidavit is ideally a deed affidavit on the stamp paper, and you have to get it attested by the notary. You have to ensure that your new and the old name are mentioned in the affidavit, which is all about the name change, and you also have to ensure that it has the reason for why you are changing your name. Lastly, don’t forget to enter your current address. An affidavit is an important document that holds validity for all the reference filings and the formalities that have legal binding in the future.

Newspaper publication

For the offline procedure to name change, you need to go through the newspaper publication. You can publish the notification in the newspaper for your name change after you get the name change affidavit. Remember that you have to publish the advertisement in 2 newspapers at least locally. You can choose one newspaper in the English language and the other in the regional language, which is official of the state where you are residing. The main details that you have to feature in this newspaper include your old and new name besides your residential address. Once you are publishing this, ensure that you keep the copy of this newspaper securely so that you can use it in the future.

Gazette notification 

Once you are done with the Gazette notification, your name is said to be changed legally. Even though the gazette notification is compulsory for all the employees of the government organization, it is optional if you do not belong to a government organization. A Gazette notification mainly works as a major proof of a change in name, and you have to send some important documents for publication. Hence, that is the only reason why the majority of the people go for Gazette notification.

central gazette for name change in india

Why do you need to change your name legally?

You should know that any change in your identity must be done completely legally because there are many elements in our life where technology has taken the front stage, especially when it comes to identity proof. Your documents should have everything legal, and some of the most important documents where your identity is mentioned include a mark sheet, bank account statement, aadhar card, birth certificate, and others. All these documents work like the verification of your identity. 

Before making any changes to the records with respect to your name, you need to ensure that it is verified legally and should also be changed by the office which is appointed by the state of the central government.

To conduct criminal associations, people who are likely to check your identity theft, credit card fraud, or illegal signatures might misuse it. Furthermore, the change in your name must be legally done to certify that your new name is your permanent name. Additionally, this new name should be held on all the documents.

When you do this process legally, it will ensure that you are accountable, and also, you are transparent when it comes to the identification of verification.

Fees of The Gazette notification for the surname change

For The Gazette notification, the government would print the name that you would like to change in The Gazette. The fees for The Gazette notifications are anywhere between INR 700 and 900, depending on whether you want to go for public notice or not. You can either pay the money through cash or by demand draft as per your requirement. You have to draw the demand draft in favor of the controller of the publication department of publication civil lines Delhi. You can visit this address and submit the demand draft officially offline anytime between 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. If you don’t want to visit personally, you can also send it by post.

Benefits of legal name change :

There are different benefits of the surname correction procedure, and some of them are mentioned here.

Recommended by legal professions

The services required for your name change are challenging and require no lawyer to do the process or execute it. You can easily change your name all by yourself. The best part is that you can change your name from the comfort of your house.

Accessible during demands for marriage

The name change procedure is straightforward during marriage or divorce. Suppose you, as a woman, do not choose to adopt your husband’s name after marriage. In that case, the divorce proceeding could be initiated in your name or any other name which has been adopted and can also be notified in the Gazette, which is official as per the family courts act 1988.

There is no restriction if any of the parties look forward to continuing with the marriage name unless one of both parties does with some intention to defraud the other party.

Get official recognition

Being a citizen of India, if you make any publication for public service or any other document, the same would be approved and granted with the new name or the surname as the official name on that given document. If you go for an incomplete or incorrect process, the same would not be accurate. If you are someone who does not have your name officially changed, then it might be rejected due to incorrect or improper identity proof by some of the government offices, banks, or even public sector institutions.

Recorded permanently

Your name works as the authentic, permanent record for people who have access or view to it when the process of the name generally happens through the official way. Even though it becomes very easy to verify your name, the official name change route makes it less challenging later on to pay any taxes or to get some documents.

Get your aadhar card easily after the name change.

Once you are done with the surname correction procedure, you can get your aadhar card pretty easily. Besides the aadhar card, you also have to update all your other documents that prove your identity, like the pan card and bank account number. You should follow the legal process for changing your name for all the records to be updated. If you fail to follow the legal procedure, your name will not be processed or approved by the authorities. 

How can agents for name change help you?

Agents can help you with your name change as they are well trained to provide you with the easiest and shortest possible services. You have to provide your new name and details like permanent address, ID proof document photos, etc. The agents like Yourdoorstep will follow up on all the processes in the procedure for a name change on your behalf. You can also ask them for the Gazette application, and they will help you out in whole process.

Central Gazette notification

Changing your name is not only a tedious process but also a long one and has some legal implications that should be followed. The main reason for the requirement that is included in the process of changing your name is to ensure that whenever you would change your name, you would do it with a bona fide intention, and you are not likely to cause any fraud or misrepresentation before other authorities or the party.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is it important for you to change your name?

No, it is not mandatory to change your name, but if you want to change your name after marriage or divorce, you can.

Should you change your name legally?

Yes, you should change your name legally only because it impacts all other legal documents, so legality is a must. 

Is Gazette notification compulsory for name change?

Yes Gazette notification is mandatory for name change.

Can you do your name change procedure online?

Yes you can do the name change procedure online.

Are there any benefits of doing your name change legally?

Yes there are plenty of benefits of doing your name change legally.

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