Name Change Procedure in Thane – Change Name Legally

A name change in Thane refers to people changing their birth names, married names, or adopted names. This can be done by adding letters or initials to their current name or by changing it completely. A lot of people today alter their names.

Name Change Procedure in Thane requires only a few steps. Here are the steps you need to follow if you want to change your name. 

Name Change in Thane

Your name is a reflection of who you are; however, many individuals don’t like their existing names since they don’t describe who they are. Because there are mechanisms in our legal system to address such issues, it can be helpful in certain circumstances.

Changing your name can be done offline or online. The purpose of this post is to inform you about the process of name change in Thane.

In Thane, you may change your name if you want to. The Indian Government must

 send letters and present an affidavit.

The following details are often on the application form.

  • Applicant’s name
  • Applicant’s father’s name
  • Applicant’s mother’s name
  • Applicant’s DOB, i.e., Date of Birth

Although it’s not mandatory, they sometimes ask about the applicant’s birth time due to specific reasons.

Additionally, government-owned banks and commissions may use the new name.

A valid legal certificate must be submitted in both the original and a photocopy by the applicant. In Thane, there are no limitations on name changes.

Reason For the Name Change in Thane

Reasons For Name Change in Thane
Reason For the Name Change in Thane

A number of reasons can lead to the change of a person’s name, including personal, spiritual, and professional reasons.

Numerous circumstances, including religion, marriage, numerology, astrology, or maybe no special cause, necessitate the name change. As long as they are not breaking any laws or carrying out any criminal activity, anyone may make changes to their name.

A few reasons to change their name in Thane are :

  • After marriage, a wife takes her husband’s surname
  • Name Change After Marriage
  • Errors in school documents.
  • Wrong information in certificates.
  • Name change by a woman after divorce.
  • Change Of Religion
  • Astrological reason.
  •  Disliking the current name etc.

Given how significant a choice it is to change your name, you must take legal action and follow specific steps. Due to the expense and volume of documentation, going back to the previous name demands a careful follow-up.

In our country, a request for name changes must be filed to the Government Printing Press, which then publishes a notification that the process has been successful. All Government and private departments must abide by this notification.

Change your name legally in Thane.

It should be officially changed in order for the new name to be recorded forever. Your identity or verification will be open and responsible through the legal procedure.

Benefits of Legally Change Your Name :

  • Access of Aadhar after name change :
  • Permanent on record :
  • No need to pay to Lawyer for the name change :
  • Documental recognition :
  • No issue during legal transactions of relationship :

Rules involved in legal name changing:

There is no restrictions in changing your name; however, there are some exceptions in Indian law :

  • Change your name to conceal who you are.
  • You cannot legally, financially, or otherwise, alter your name to escape obligations or liabilities.
  • If you cannot prove that you have no desire to deceive anyone, you will not be permitted to alter your name to that of a renowned person.
  • You shouldn’t use complex punctuation in the name you pick.

Required Documents For Name Change in Thane

Documents Required For Name Change in Thane
Required Documents For Name Change in Thane

The following documents required to change name in Thane.

  • Advertisement in the newspaper.
  • Affidavit for a certificate of the name change.
  • The company’s recommended name change proforma.
  •  Two witnesses are necessary to sign the proforma, and each must include their full name, home address, and cellphone number.
  • The proforma should be provided in a digital format without witness information.
  • The applicant must submit a photocopy of their identification document.
  • Request letter.
  • Request Draft.
Step By Step Name Change Procedure in Thane 

Step By Step Name Change Procedure in Thane 

In order to change a name, a certain set of protocols must be followed. The following steps can be taken to apply for name change:

  • Submission of an Affidavit
  • Publication of Ads
  • Newspaper Notification

Step 1: Affidavit For Change Your Name Legally in Thane

A name change affidavit must be submitted in order to alter your name. You must speak with a notary public to finish this process.

Make sure your neighbourhood notary is aware of your request.

The notary must declare the cost of the stamp paper that the affidavit is written on.

The following information must be provided:

  • Old and new names at the moment
  • New name justifications
  • The document is printed on ordinary stamp paper and requires two witnesses to sign it. 
  • A federal government employee must change their name by contacting the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Married women must disclose the following details while changing their names:

  1. Name and address of your father, along with your present name.
  2. The new name contains the husband’s name and address.
  3. When is the wedding?
  4. The affidavit should include both your current name and previous name. You may use it to entirely modify your name, surname, or just a few letters.
  5. An NRI must submit a deed to the Indian High Commission or Indian Embassy in order to change their name.

Step 2: Change Of Name Advertisement in Newspaper 

The next step is publish a name change ad in local daily newspapers. When you publish an ad, you must provide your contact details.

  • Residential address
  • Born on [date]
  • Aged name
  • Fresh name
  • Name of the witnessing agency
  • Location and date of the affidavit.

The affidavit needs to be notarized before being published in two local publications.

The state’s official language should be used for classified advertising in local media.

The second categorization should be published in a local English newspaper.

Format of Newspaper Ads

You can update your name with help from the newspaper office. A naming change advertising often has its section, and they can provide you with format recommendations.

Make sure you save as many copies as you can if your notification appears in the newspaper. It is preferable to save as much original newspaper advertising as possible, even when one copy is adequate.

Women who want to alter their last name after marriage should publish their husband’s name and address in the newspaper.

Step 3: Name Change Gazette Notification

To complete the renaming process, a name change must be notified to the Gazette Office. Your name will be officially changed after the Gazette notification is printed.

As soon as the application is received, officials will analyze it before sending it to the appropriate authorities. The Gazette of India Publication often publishes change adverts every one to two months. The electronic version of the India Gazette is available for download from the Online Directory. Additionally, you will receive a printed copy of the change notice.

Gazette Publication Fee

The Government will announce your new name in the Gazette. Depending on whether you want public announcements, various fees apply for Gazette notifications. 

Cash, bank draft, or postal orders made payable to “The Controller of Publication, Department of Publication. You may discover further details on the Department of Publication’s website (Government of India).

After finishing all required procedures for a name change, the next step is to have your name changed on key papers like your Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, ration card, voter ID card, etc.

Why Yourdoorstep for Name Change in Thane?

You won’t need to worry about your name change applications in Thane while working with the professionals at Yourdoorstep. We help you with the following while you go through the online name change process:

  1. Making an affidavit.
  2. Name changes may be made online without travelling.
  3. Hassle-free method.
  4. Newspaper publication a name change.
  5. Newspaper Notification.

Beware of Agents

Name change agents in Thane should be avoided since they steal your money. The best way to change your name in Thane, Mumbai is to get in touch with a reputable organization


It is easy to change your name in Thane if you follow these instructions. The process of changing one’s name in Thane is pretty straightforward. You can get help changing your name from us in case you still need it. We make it quite simple for you. Get in touch with us to change your name in Thane, Maharashtra.


What is the process in Thane for changing a name?

In Thane, changing your name requires three steps:
Affidavits are necessary in Thane for name changes. The newspaper ought to run advertising. Name changes must be announced in the India Gazette.

Can the name on my birth certificate be changed?

It may be fixed if your first name appears incorrectly on your birth certificate. You should submit a petition in compliance with the revised Republic Act 9048 to correct an inaccuracy in your name.

What’s the duration it takes for changes?

The process of changing your name takes three to four months. The modification must be published in the Government Gazette.

Can one legally change their name without a witness present?

No, you need a witness if you want to alter your name. You must pick an impartial witness. A friend, neighbour, or coworker may serve as your witness; however, a relative, a romantic partner, or a member of your immediate family cannot.

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