Easy name change procedure in Kolkata: Process for changing name

The term ” change your name” is a person’s decision to use a different name from their known one at birth, adoption, marriage, or other significant life event. The name change procedure in Kolkata can involve adding a beginning or a single letter, as well as legal action. In the modern era, legally permitted change of name are frequent in Kolkata. There are steps that you need to follow before the gazette publish the name change notification.

Name change procedure in Kolkata

Many people decide to go through the name change process for a different reasons. They can be used to change how the marriage is spelled. It’s important to remember that when a name is changed, it takes on legal significance, becomes the person’s identity, and serves as their legal name. In order to legally change one’s name in Kolkata, a person must go through a stretched and complex legal name change procedure in Kolkata to change the old name. However, your doorstep will assist you in making it more comfortable at home. To change my name online and publish it through gazette, submit affidavit on time.

Reasons to change name legally in Kolkata

These are reasons to submit affidavit for name change in India. Along with writing the application, you must also mention the reason to go for name change procedure in Kolkata. Get to learn about the reason for the name change in the official gazette.

  • Change of religion
  • To further accomplish the official objectives
  •  Errors in name
  • Errors in school paperwork
  • Use your husband’s name once you get married.
  • Children adoption
  • Spelling mistakes in surname
  • Change of gender 
  • Political problem
  • Women change their last name followed by the marriage.
  • factors relating to astrology

Who is eligible to change names in Kolkata? 

If you want to get a new name different from the old name, the applicant should meet the criteria for name change procedure in Kolkata. Following people qualify for name change online. Upon successful submission, you will get a notification from the gazette of India. Gazette notification is vital to change your surname.

Name change will be made accordingly. Following individuals qualify to get a name change notification in the gazette.

  • Indians over 18 have the right to change name
  • They must possess a legitimate government ID.
  • To change the surname in Kolkata, there must be a justifiable explanation.
  • Minors should always have an adult with them when visiting a government office for name change in Kolkata.

Requirements for name change procedure in Kolkata, India: Pan card, driving license and more

name change process in Kolkata

The online process for name change needs make an affidavit for name change along with applicant details. Note that that the name change procedure in Kolkata won’t be completed if you forget to submit one of the following documents. A single mistake can ruin the complete procedure. These are the name change documents you need to submit.

  • Document calls for name change process in Kolkata
  • Demand Draft in a cover letter
  • A name change affidavit is a legal document that attests to the accuracy of the hard copy and the data on the disc.
  • Two passport-sized photos, as well as a photocopy of the applicant’s identification documents for publication of name change.
  • Proforma suggested changing the name. The proforma must be signed by two witnesses who can also provide their full names, addresses, and contact information.
  • One has to carry passport and pan card to change their name.
  • Voter Id card

The soft copy of the proforma should be signed by two witnesses and the following witness details are required. You can’t submit the soft coy of the proforma without witness details.

Steps in name change process in Kolkata

Go through the following steps to complete the name change procedure in Kolkata. It is necessary to express the need for the name change in in Kolkata. Firstly, you need to make an affidavit. These facts should be included in the affidavit:

  • Name of the applicant in full, either the spouse’s or father’s (in the case of married females)
  • The full address of the house
  • A statement confirming the accuracy and correctness of the information in the affidavit
  • The petitioner must sign affidavits before having them seen by a judicial magistrate, notary, or oaths commissioner.

Publishing newspaper advertisement in Kolkata

Following the notarization of the document, it is beneficial to publish the name change in two distinct local Kolkata newspapers. The legal name change procedure in Kolkata needs you publish advertisement in the newspaper.

For a name change in Kolkata, one category must be present in a daily news publication in the state’s official language. Two classifieds should be published in the newspaper. If you want to change your name, get in touch with the newspaper’s corporate office. They can offer you pointers for the format of the advertisement and even have a section just for name-change ads. Cross-check the advertisments before submitting them.

How much would the name change process in Kolkata cost you?

Changing your name in Kolkata could cost you about 3000 INR. These charges for name change procedure in Kolkata serve as the foundation for this.

Newspaper – rs 750 

Newspaper – INR 750 

Gazette Process Notification in Kolkata: INR 1500

Affidavit: 20 INR for the stamp paper

200 INR for the notary

You need to submit the fee and required documents along with your address and age proof.

What information should the newspaper have for name change in Kolkata?

You need to submit the following documents to the department of publication.

  • Age of the applicant
  • Notary public’s name that appears on the affidavit
  • Father’s name
  • The applicant’s father’s or husband’s name
  • Name Change of the Applicant
  • Name of the applicant who had previously been on file.
  • The day the affidavit was submitted

There is no requirement to retain a lawyer. The name change procedure in Kolkata needs you to make an affidavit. You need to submit the application and documents for publication.

If you properly change your name, a lasting record

How does the legal name change gazette process benefit you? 

No need to hire a lawyer to change your name. 

Although the prerequisites for changing names are quite onerous, you can create them on your own and do not need a lawyer’s help to manage and carry name change procedure in Kolkata out.

Permanent data

A permanent record for name change procedure in Kolkata that anyone may see and study is generated if you change your name properly. This is simple to confirm. Obtaining paperwork and paying taxes are also helpful.

Get a formal notification. 

Your application will be granted and issued in your brand-new name, which will be listed as the official one, if you are requesting documentation for public services in the name of an Indian citizen. If you attempt to change your name using a flawed or inappropriate way, this won’t be accessible. False identification could result in a person being rejected by some public sector banks and government organizations.


You can call 9540005064 to get in touch with us. All of the services you need can easily be obtained from the convenience of your home. A lawyer who offers name change services as well as other name-related changes that adhere to legal requirements can be found at your doorstep. If you’re interested in the name change procedure in Kolkata, one of our legal experts will get in touch with you, handle the difficult tasks, and make the procedure quick and simple in your own home.


Where in India is the Central Gazette Office?

At Civil Lines, Delhi 110054, is where the official Government Gazette office may be found.

How Do I Change My Name in the Gazette?

An offline technique is used to apply for a gazette in Delhi. If your residential presence is specified as being in Delhi or the surrounding area, the application should be submitted at the Central Gazette, Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054.

What Are the Office Hours for the Indian Government Gazette?

On all working days, the Gazette of India – Delhi office is open from 10 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PM to 3 PM.

Where can I find a copy of The Gazette?

The Gazette is available for download at www.egazette.nic.in.

After getting married, can a man change his name?

It is not uncommon for a man to change his last name. It is unusual. Depending on the State, the husband’s name might not be included in the marriage ceremony. Most females rename themselves.

Is a name change for the Gazette sufficient?

Getting your name change published in the official Gazette is a choice. You should still consider carrying it out to be safe.

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