Can we smile in passport photo

Can we smile in passport photo? Almost all countries across the world except the United States require an individual to keep a neutral expression on a passport photo. It is only an American citizen who can smile as it is ingrained in American culture to always smile. The Indian government does want you to smile on your passport photo. This is because when you smile, it becomes a little difficult to recognize the face.

Can we smile in passport photo

The smile often tends to distort the facial features and thus it becomes almost impossible to match you to the photo. This is all the more true when it is done using the computer. This also means if you have a smiling photo on the passport and when you arrive at the airport, you have a neutral expression, you will be removed from the camera line. You will have to wait in a longer line to see a human being

Can we smile in a passport photo?

Can we smile in passport photo? Before we answer this question, it is important for you to know more about biometric passport photos and also the facial recognition system. The question that might arise here is why is it that why most of countries across the world need biometric passports. You also need to understand the restrictions that come when you smile in biometric photos.

The entire concept of the biometric photo is based on facial recognition. This makes facial recognition much easier. There is facial recognition software present. This software reads the photo that is there on the passport and also scans the face at the airport. This is done by comparing the two photos and this comparison is based on very specific requirements of the facial features.

In most countries, the applicant is asked to maintain a neutral expression on the passport photo. It is therefore important that you look directly into the camera when you take a photograph. Your facial muscles should be relaxed and your mouth should also be closed. Your eyes should also be open and directed towards the camera.

There is another thing that you have to avoid when you are taking photos of your passport for all the digital alterations. This results in the rejection of several passport applications. The facial recognition software should be able to read the photo that is there on the passport. The computer finds it easy to recognize faces having neutral expressions much easier and faster. It is for this reason that it is recommended not to smile when taking photos of the passport.

Does smile matters in Biometric passport?

Human beings are easily able to recognize different faces and this is a natural instinct but machines find it difficult to recognize the faces of another person. The computer as well as the algorithms have to compare a 2D image and a 3D face. This can be done only by measuring and pinpointing the facial features from a particular image. The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has also imposed certain standards of biometrics for passports. All the passports that are issued are biometric which means that these have the bio data of the holder. This is there in the chip that is an important part of the document. Therefore, it is important that the passport photos need to fulfill all the norms that are specified by the ICAO.

Can children smile in their passport photos?

We already know by now that in most countries, it is recommended that adults should maintain a neutral expression on their passport photos. But the question that arises here is what about the children? It is not easy to convince children, babies, and infants to maintain a neutral expression.

Can children smile in their passport photos

So they can smile for the passport photo however, the smile cannot be an exaggerated one. This is because this distorts the features. The children will simply have to keep their eyes open and face the camera so as to ensure that the passport is accepted. But it would still be better if the baby does not smile. The government however understands that it is not possible always to convince the babies to keep a straight face so they are tolerant.

Is any country accepting smile photos for passport?

All countries do not define neutral expression in the same way. For example, the French government does not allow even the slightest smile on the face. Most of the official requirements around the world would also allow just a hint of a smile. The UK, Canadian and Australian government wants you to maintain a completely neutral expression as the facial recognition software is not able to understand a smiling face. Although in the United States, the candidates are allowed to smile, however, to avoid issues in other parts of the country, the candidates in the United States are also advised to avoid smiling on their passport photos

Is make-up ok for your passport photo?

You can apply make-up for your passport photos; however, the makeup should not be too visible. The main goal of the passport photo is to ensure that you are recognizable on the identity photo. Therefore, it will be good if you can keep it simple. It will be good if you put a nude make-up the shades of which come very close to your skin tone. You should also ensure that your lips and your face should not shine. It is also good to use a light powder so as to mattify the complexion.

Is make-up ok for your passport photo

What needs to be done, if the photo on the passport does not look like me?

There are no official rules so as to find out exactly what are personal changes are needed in case the passport photo does not look the same as you look today. If you have grown out or your skin color has changed a little or if your hair has grown, you need not change the photo on the passport. But it would be recommended that you apply for a new passport if you think that you do not look the same as your photo on the passport. This is because the immigration officer at the airport is very strict. If they are in the slightest doubts they would deport you. Again, in case you plan to carry the same passport, you can also carry other id proofs like the pan card, aadhar card.


The passport is valid for 10 years, which means that this passport photo will also stay with us for 10 years. You will have to show this photo to the flight attendants, customs officials, and many other people. We do understand that you want to look the best in a document that will be there with you for an entire lifetime. But in most cases, only the neutral expression is accepted.


Is it ok to smile and show your teeth in a passport photo?

Except for the United States, other countries ask you not to smile and maintain a neutral expression for your passport photos.

Can you smile for Indian passport photos?

No, you cannot smile for the Indian passport photos. The Indian authorities require you to maintain a neutral expression when taking a passport photo.

How much can you smile in passport photos?

Smiles are in most cases not allowed in biometric photos. You don’t need to have a very serious expression though. Just maintaining a neutral expression is enough. Only the people in the USA are allowed to smile naturally. They can also show their teeth on their passport photos.

Can a child smile in a passport photo?

Yes, Newborns, infants, and babies are permitted to smile in their passport photos. But once a child is old enough to follow directions, they will also have to maintain a neutral expression in their passport photos.

What do you mean by a neutral expression in the passport photos?

A neutral expression is a kind of blank expression or is an expression where one does not show any kind of visible expression. It will be good if you can relax your face a little and also pretend to be a little bored. This will help you to get the perfect neutral expression for your passport photo.

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