Explore our services for easy birth certificate name change in Manipur| Register for the application form

The State Government of India will issue a birth certificate if the child was born within Indian territory. The application form for birth certificate name change in Manipur has made it possible to obtain a birth certificate in India online. Even if getting your birth certificate has been easier, changing your name on it is still difficult without the proper paperwork. To assist with that, YourDoorStep provides the birth certificate name change solution.  

To proceed with birth certificate name change in Manipur, you may get in touch with us. For a name change on a birth certificate, official gazette notification is necessary.

Every birth must be recorded to the appropriate State or Union Territory within 21 days of the event, according to the Birth and Death Registration Act of 1969.

Rush to the municipal corporation office or the gramme panchayat and register your preferred new name if you wish to file for a procedure to alter your name on your birth certificate. To find out about the document you need to submit to change your birth certificate in Manipur, continue reading.

Why do you need birth certificate?

A birth certificate is the first official record of a person’s middle name, date of birth, time, and other legal documentations that the Municipal Corporation issues. An essential identifying document that certifies a child’s birth is a birth certificate.

The birth certificate is given out by the state government to its citizens and is used as identification. A birth certificate is an important document at several points. It is a necessary possession to demonstrate nationality and is required when applying for a passport, admission to school, healthcare, and employment.

It allows a child recognition in terms of citizenship. To make use of the variety of benefits the government provides to its people, you need to have it.

Who can download the birth certificate registration form and make changes to it?

The following people are eligible to choose the official process for birth certificate name change in Manipur.

  • An Indian citizen
  • They ought to possess a current government-issued ID card.
  • Any defence offered for the name change must be convincing.
  • Minors should go with their family when visiting a government office to change their name.
  • Those who meet the requirements and register for marriage will receive a marriage registration certificate.

Reasons to present application form for correction or birth certificate name change in Manipur

The following are the justifications for choosing the birth certificate name change method.

  • You don’t like your name
  • Spelling errors in your surname
  • After being married, you wish to give your partner a new name.
  • Political motives, astrological motives, Pandit Ji’s Life Advice, etc. Anything may apply.
  • To change your name, you must see a local notary officer, who will prepare a notarized letter with your old name, the new name you want, and a brief justification for the change.

Reach the municipal office for birth certificate name change in Manipur

The steps outlined below must be followed for birth certificate name change in Manipur. To make the procedure easier to understand as a whole, we have separated it into manageable chunks.

  • Submit an application for the municipal corporation’s birth- and death-related registration. Your previous name, your new name, and the explanation for the name change must all be included in this letter.
  • The application must be submitted with a few required papers. You must include the notarized document if your name changes from what is on your birth certificate.
  • If you want to modify any other information, such the names of your parents or your date of birth, the paperwork may vary from state to state. should the registrar discover a problem with them.
  • Even if there is a very slim probability that your application will be denied, you can still ask the Registrar or other issuing agency to explain their decision by filing a petition in High Court.
  • Following approval or denial of the birth certificate name change proposal, you must proceed with the Gazette Notification of Gazette Certificate procedure.
  • Your request may be approved or denied by the registrar. The records are ignored if the

Detail documents needed for name change in Manipur

A few documents must be produced for birth certificate name change in Manipur. Applicants would have to upload the forms and submit them to the portal with their details and a few identification documents.

  • These documents are required for the procedure.
  • Original, dated copies of advertisements that have appeared in print.
  • Authenticated images
  • Identity and address documentation
  • A copy of the “Deed updating name form” can be received from the Controller of Publication, Department of Publication.
  • Changing the name would require a letter, for instance: Gazette

Register for birth certificate name change in Manipur

If you have already filed for name change procedure in Manipur, you have to follow some steps in such case. If you’re an Indian citizen, you must first submit a formal birth certificate name change application to the Municipal Corporation’s department. Your present name, your previous name, and mention the causes for the birth certificate name update should all be included in the letter.

Affidavit Submission

You must first present an affidavit for surname Change to your local Notary if you honestly want birth certificate name change in Manipur. It must include your existing name as it appears on your birth certificate, your proposed new name, and the cause for the name change, in addition to applicant information such your husband’s or father’s name, residence, voter id, and age verification, among other things.

Download the “Birth Certificate Update/Correction Form” and deliver it to a District Court Magistrate in your state along with an affidavit or certified copies bearing the judge’s original signature. The affidavit must be written on paper with a non-judicial stamp valued at Rs 100.

Newspaper advertisement

To post your surname update advertisement is crucial. Get it published in two newspapers, one in the government press for the area that speaks Hindi and one that does so in English.

Affidavit and surname updating notice fees range from Rs. 700 to Rs. 900. It costs about Rs 1000, not including newspaper publication fees.

It may take 14 days for both the gazette notification and the newspaper publishing.

Details on the newspaper advertisement

The following should be in the newspaper advertisement for birth certificate name change in Manipur.

  • The former surname of the applicant.
  • Your preferred surname
  • Surname of the father/husband.
  • Age of the applicant.
  • Address.
  • The reference number for the applicant’s earlier affidavit of surname updates
  • Date of the affidavit’s preparation.

If it lacks any data mentioned whatsoever, the procedure will remain incomplete.

Gazette publication

A Gazette Publication is necessary for surname updates on birth certificates. However, if you click on update your surname on birth certificate and identity cards, they might ask you for a copy of the Gazette.

Thus, you must publish a gazette notice of your new surname update. Contact your State’s office of the Controller of Publication, Government Press, for further details. The following documents are required in order for your surname to appear in the State Gazette.

Contact Yourdoorstep at 9540005026 for birth certificate name change in Manipur

Since we are the best platforms for surname updates, we can help you out with birth certificate name change in Manipur. Even though it is now less complicated, updating your surname on one is still difficult without the required paperwork. For updating your surname, use YourDoorStep.


How does the official gazette notification process happens?

For birth certificate name change in Manipur, you must present an application letter to the Gazette office together with supporting documents including your application form, an affidavit, a passport-size photo, and a copy of the name update advertisement from your neighborhood newspaper.

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