Name Change Procedure in Dewas

Name Change Affidavit

Name Change Process in Dewas Rs 999 | Name Change Procedure | Gazette of Dewas | Name Change Agent in Dewas | Gazette Office in Dewas

The Correction of a Name in Dewas or Procedure of Name Change in Dewas can be done without hassle through Gazette notification online. A Person can physically submit the application to the department of Gazette, If you are looking for the online process then applied to the Central Government Gazette for Changing your name in Dewas. Yourdoorstep is a platform that offers Name Change Advocate and Consultants for name change and correction services according to guidelines of the Government for the citizen of Dewas.

Name Change Procedure in Dewas

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A resident of Dewas can apply for a name correction or change by the Gazette of Central Government, Which offers online and offline processes for a name correction or change. We help people of Dewas For Change of Name in ID Proofs such as Passport, Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter id, etc and educational and school certificates,  in any other documents in Dewas.

If you are looking for Name Change, Change of Name, Name Change Affidavit, Name Change OnlineGazette Notification Online, Name Change OfficeGazette Office, Change Of Name Office Near you for  Change Name in Gazette of IndiaGazette Publication, Gazette Notification Name Change Agent, Name Change Consultant Then Yourdoorstep Name Change Consultants Provides Change or Correction Name Service in India, Name Correction Services Online In Dewas.


  • Error in the Birth Certificate.
  • Errors in School Certificates.
  • Post Marriage by Women.
  • After Divorce for Women.
  • Spelling errors.
  • For adoptions.
  • If Religion is changed.
  • For other official purposes.
  • Change of Identity.
  • Dislike of name.
  • Gender Change.
  • Change in surname.
Reasons for Name Change

Eligibility Required For Name Change

  • Applicant should be Indian Citizen.
  • Applicant should have valid Government proof of ID.
  • Applicant should have a valid reason for name change.
  • If Change of name of minors, then parents will be Applicant.

Need to legally change your name for marriage, astrological, passport, personal or professional reasons? We make this complicated process simple! With us your entire process for name change is very transparent and choosing us provides the following benefits:

gazette of india for name change
Gazette of India for Name Change

Get Peace of Mind – Our expert team will handle the entire process so you don’t have to worry about anything anymore.
Saves You Time – Our professional team reviews and complete your documents, as well as guide you on the fastest way to get your name change done so you can move past this quickly! No standing in lines! We even send our staff to pick up paperwork from your doorsteps.
Easy, Quick & Legal – We ensure that we get things right the first time so you get your name change document easily

You can legally change of name in India for any reason such as:

Steps in Name Change Process
Steps in Name Change Process

Name Change Procedure in Dewas

What are the steps include in Name Change Package?

1. Create a Name Change Affidavit2. Publish in Newspaper3. Notification in Gazette 4. Affidavit

STEP 1 : Name Change Affidavit

1. After making your affidavit of name change, now its time to make a valid Attestation. At your doorstep, we help you with notaries part in your city. 2. Once you collect the notarized affidavit, you can either print the information in Newspaper or Gazette. However, if you want we can also help you with the process.


1. Once You completed the above Two-step name change procedure. Then Newspaper Publication comes in the role for Changing Name.
2. You need to Publish news as an Advertisement in two local newspapers i.e one in the Regional Language Hindi and another one is an English newspaper.
3. Some Important point that should include in the Newspaper Publication for Name Change:
– New Name of ApplicantOld Name of Applicant
Full Address of Applicant
Age of Applicant
The date on which the affidavit is made by the Applicant
Father’s/Husband Name of Applicant
Notary Name who attested the affidavit
Before you give an advertisement in a newspaper, always double cross-check the content for the advertisement and above mention all points are correct and proper. A minor mistake can destroy your complete procedure.
Below is the sample of advertisement in the newspaper for the name change :
For more information or Giving ads in News Paper click the link:

STEP 3: Gazette Notification

1. Coming to step 3, gazette notification is one of the last steps in this procedure. While the name in the documents like PAN cards, Drivers’ licenses, Voters’ ID, etc can be changed without notification in Gazette, some authorities like Public service commissions and public sector banks do require Gazette notification. Hence, it is recommended to have a notification in Gazette ready.
2. YourDoorStep will help you out with notifications in the Central Gazette located in Delhi.

Name Change Ad in Newspaper Format in Dewas

I {Old Name} S/o. {Father’s Name} Age {x} Years, Address: {your address, city, state, pin code} has changed my Name from {Old Name} to {New Name} vide Affidavit Number {XYZ-0001} dated {DD/MM/YYYY} before Notary by {DD/MM/YYYY}

Format of Name Change Ads for Complete Name Change in Dewas

I , Gourav Kumar S/o Kamal Sharma R/o ABC location, Amritsar, Punjab-140007. have changed my name and shall hereafter be Known As Prince Sharma.

Format of Name Change Ads After Marriage in Dewas

Arti Kumari W/O Gourav Chauhan has been changed to Ms. Monika Tyagi of Vill Math The Vengurla State MH.

Format of Name Change Ads for Minor Name Change in Dewas

 I, Rohit Kumar S/o Ram Chandur R/O Flat No- 257, Type-B, Pocket -12, D.D.A.-Flat, South West Delhi,110084. have changed the name of my minor son Keshav aged about 09 Months and he shall hereafter be known as Akash Pandey.
It is certified that I have complied with other legal requirements in this connection

Format of Name Change Ads for Last Name Change / Surname Change in Dewas

I , Hari Kishan S/o Amba Sharma R/o Khushipur, Amritsar, Punjab-140008. have changed my name and shall hereafter be Known As Madhav Kumar.

Format of Name Change Ads for First Name Change in Dewas

I , Sham Sharma S/o Gourav Sharma R/o Khushipur, Santnagr, Delhi-110084. have changed my name and shall hereafter be Known As Ram Sharma.

Format of Name Change Ads for Multiple Name to Single Name in Dewas

I, Akash alias Hari S/O, Rohit Kumar R/O Opp. SBI Bank, bank Bazzar, Jaipur, Delhi – 110086 do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that both the names are indicating and referring myself as the same and one identical person, not to a different person whatsoever.

Format of Name Change Ads for Religion Change in Dewas

I Gourav Joshi S/O Vipin Chandra Joshi R/O 2/A, Main Bazar, Kanpur- 208001 U.P. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that I have embraced Islam Religion and renounced Hinduism Religion w.e.f. 24/07/2022. have changed my name and shall hereafter be known as Muhammad Ahamed.

Format For Name Change Ads for Gender Change in Dewas

I…………………….Son/Daughter/Transgender of ……………………..R/O at …………….. hereby undertake that I, ………………………..want to change my name to ……………………and gender as Female/Male
I, ………………..henceforth be known as ………………….S/O or D/O of ……………………..
The above-given statement made me is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. If any legal issue is raised in this regard at any stage of life, I will be responsible for the same and, the Department of Publication is not liable for any consequences that happen therefrom.

Format of Name Change Ads for Passport in Dewas

I , Ravi S/o Vimal Sharma R/o Khushipur, Amritsar, Punjab-140009. have changed my name and shall hereafter be Known As Vipin Sharma for the purpose of passport.

Advantages and Benefits of Name Change.

In Dewas, there are a couple of very good reasons, why you would want to change your name. Here is a list of the advantages:

1. Paperwork Get so Easy

If you are planning to open joint bank accounts with your husband or buy a property. Paperwork becomes so easy Because when you apply for the same, People will not ask a question to you whether you are husband or wife or ask to prove your marriage. You will get a lot of benefits when it comes to legal matters too.

2. You Need Not to Tell Your First Name

If you are Sharing a common surname that means you are not to tell your first name to others. It may help useful during family events where you meet new people and you don’t want to tell your first name to others for some reason.

3. Admission of Your Kids To School Becomes So Easy

When your kid shares the same surname, your kids will not face others’ questions and answer or face any problems. when you attend Parent-teacher meetings you will feel awkward as well.

4. Get a Marriage Certificate in Easy Manner

This will help you more if you applying a marriage certificate with a new name what you want. It provides a lot of benefits in the future if you already decide to settle in a foreign country after getting married or looking for jobs in abroad together at the same time.

After Your Name Change, You should do these things

Before you change your name legally post-marriage, you must notify a couple of entities about it. Here is a list of the following:

1. Confirm to Your Company

If you working in any government or any organization, you should confirm that your name changed with a copy gazette.

2. Confirm to Your Banks

If you are running any bank accounts, you should inform them of your name change with a copy gazette. Because you don’t want your changed name to create problems with financial transactions in day-to-day activity.

3. Inform your Post Office

This helps with couriers and package deliveries without and hassle of your important document

4. Update to Telephone Bill Adress

If you want your bills to reflect your new name and you are using a landline and pay for utilities like water and electricity this will help you lot

5. Update to Tax Department

If you are an Dewas citizen and filing income taxes and using tax benefits as a married couple while purchasing joint properties, renting/leasing, etc. It will help you a lot.

6. Inform to Department of Records of your area

Update to birth certificate department or education department.

7. Inform to Social Security Administration

Every one social security number is mandatory everywhere you visit, so to update your name there. This is not optional.

8. Update your Passport

Your Passport name change after marriage is like a compulsion if you leave in Dewas. Otherwise later, you will face a hard time during traveling abroad or in applying for VISA.

9. Insurance Company

If you holding any vehicle, property, durables, or any insurance, it’s always advisable to update your name in insurance companies for future benefits and advantages.

10. Department of Transportation

Inform or update in the transportation department

14. Universities and Schools

You should update your name in education documents and in university documents. So that you will not face issues further.

Fee Structure For Name Change

Name Change Fee for General Public – ₹ 1,100 + ₹ 250 for each Alias
Name Change Fee for Minor Child – ₹ 1,700 + ₹ 250 for each Alias
Name Change Fee for Govt. Employee – ₹ 1,350 +250 for each Alias
For Person Living In Abroad – ₹ 7,500/-
Name Change + Religion Change – ₹ 2,800 + 250 for each Alias

Name Change Office of Central Government For Dewas Citizen

Central Gazette office is located in North Delhi and the Official Address is – Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. Ph: 9540005064 (Call for Guidance)


Where Is The Office Of Central Gazette In India?

The official Government gazette office is in Delhi which is situated at Civil Lines, Delhi 110054.

How To Apply Gazette For Change Of Name?

The procedure to apply for gazette to Delhi is offline method. The application should be submitted at the office of Central Gazette, Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 if your residential presence is listed in Delhi or Nearby. For the rest of our country, whole official papers along with the application form should be sent via Speed Post at the address of Gazette office

What Are The Timings Of The Office Of Government Gazette Of India?

The office hours for Gazette of India – Delhi, are between 10 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 3 PM on all the working days.

Where Can I Get The Gazette Copy?

You can download the Gazette from

Is The Newspaper Publication Mandatory For Applying For The Gazette In?

Yes, it is mandatory to publish an advertisement in the local newspapers after the affidavit. The advertisement of the name change must include the new one, the old one name of the applicant, your address, date of birth etc.

Is The Affidavit Of Name Change Application Is Mandatory For Applying For Gazette?

Yes, it is mandatory to create the Affidavit of Name change application in Delhi for applying for gazette which is also followed by Newspaper publicationu0026amp; Gazette Application

Other Services We Offer

Name Change in Pan Card, Name Change in Aadhar Card, Name Change Affidavit, Name Change Gazette, Name Change in Passport, Name Change in Voter Id, Name Change in Birth Certificate, Name Change Application, Procedure of Name Change, Name Change Procedure, Name Change After Marriage, Name Change Driving Licence, Name Change Process, Name Change in Education Certificates, Name Change Online, Change of Name, Gazette Notification Online,Name Change Office, Gazette Office, Gazette Publication,Gazette Notification, Name Change

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Picture of Vipin
My name is Vipin Chauhan, and I have a B.Tech, LLB, MBA Dropout, and a Diploma in Cyber Cell on going. I am the founder of "Your Door Step," a company focused on making service delivery simple and convenient for everyone. With my background in technology, law, management, and cybersecurity, I combine my skills to find smart solutions, drive innovation, and create value. I am passionate about solving problems and helping people through my work.


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