A name change in birth certificate in Mumbai


When officially changing your name on your birth certificate. name change in birth certificate in Mumbai, remember a few things. What procedures are required to alter your name formally? What does it cost? We can address your concerns and walk you through the process if you’re worried about changing the name on your birth certificate. The word that appears on a birth certificate might be changed for various reasons. Make sure all your documentation reflects your new name, whether due to a marriage or a formal name change. Establish the best way to change someone’s name on a birth certificate. We’ve put together the data below to assist you in making this change as quickly as possible.

What is a birth certificate?

 A person’s birth certificate contains more personal information such as the date and place of birth, the full names of both parents, and other information. The state where a child is born issues the birth certificate, which contains all the identifications of a newborn child.

What Reasons Might Lead Someone to Request a Birth Name Change in Mumbai?

For the reasons listed below, changing your legal name is permitted. Think about the following examples:

· You could have been married and changed your last name since then.

· You had the option of officially changing your name.

· Your name may not be spelled correctly on your birth certificate as of right now.

· Your legal name should be changed on your birth certificate, suggests Pandit Ji.

· You’ve decided to change your name on your birth certificate since you hate your last name.

· Your name is being used to make fun of you.

· Your name was misspelt in the paper.

· Your parents seem to be thinking about changing your name.

· After divorce, you wish to modify the name on birth documents.

Mumbai birth certificate will have the following information:

· Mother’s initials

· The last name of the father’s family

· the year of their birth

· Geography of the Earth’s Nature

· Term Usage for a Newborn Child

· Personality characteristics that are particular to gender

· The nation of origin.

· Mention the name of the medical facility or clinic where care is received

What kind of proof is required to change your name on a birth certificate after it has been issued in Mumbai?

  • Your old birth certificate copy, which you should keep secure.
  • The New name you had been looking for
  • You must send a letter and a Declaration of Name Change Affidavit to the SDM if you are also changing your last name.
  • A certificate of legitimacy is necessary in case of a change in validity.
  • The Making and Sharing of a Newspaper The Growth of Tax Revenue
  • The justification for the name change for the document
  • This fact further shows the biological link between the mother and father.

What are the legal documents required to change a name on a birth certificate?

· A verified copy of your birth certificate.

· selection of a new name

· Proclamation of Intentional Name Change

· Letter of Authorization for Name Change (SDM)

· Get a new religious certificate if you wish to change your faith.

· distribution of newspapers

· Receiving Compensation from the Government

· Evidence of Name Change Legally

· Birth certificates, DNA testing, and other documented proof may all be used to prove a father’s biological connection.

How can you legally alter your name on your Indian birth certificate, and under what conditions may you do so?

Step 1:Send a completed application to the state registration officer.

Please contact your local Registrar of Births and Deaths to start an application. We need the following details from you to complete your application:

· The applicant’s current and previous names.

· The justification for the new marketing initiative.

· Information may be used to identify a person, such as their full name, birth date, place of birth, and birth registration number.

· present-day passport

· It is necessary to provide legal evidence of the name change, such as a notarized declaration or a copy of the deed (whichever is applicable).

· When you change your name legally, you must produce documentation in the form of an official copy of a document that reflects both your old and new characters (for example, a bank statement or a PAN card).

· Please don’t forget to submit the necessary files before applying.

Step 2:Advertising in the newspaper

After submitting it to the Registrar, you must publish notice of your application in two journals, one with a regional readership and the other with a wide circulation. It is being done so that anybody who has objections to your suggested name change may voice their complaints.

 The press release includes :

· Your old and new names will both be updated simultaneously.

· Information on the new name.

· the place of your birth

· Birthplace, birthdate, and a unique identification number.

· The locations of the SDM’s offices (where the application was submitted).

· Any parties with legal concerns must submit official answers within 30 days of the notice’s publication.

Step 3: Obtain the Certificate of Name Change.

You may get your Certificate of Name Change from the Registrar after the 30-day window if no challenges have been submitted. Please note that the change in your name must also be published in a gazette.

Step 4: Publishing it in the Official Gazette

The last step in changing one’s name is registering the change in the official Gazette. Before a person may be regarded as a legal resident of a state, their name must be published in the state’s official Gazette. Comparable to “The Central Gazette,” The official government bulletin board is The Gazette.

You must provide the appropriate authorities with the following documentation to have your name published in the Gazette:

· Your formal Name Change Certificate is printed on paper and provided by the Registrar.

· Declare under oath that you have not dishonestly or fraudulently changed your name.

· Include a printout of the advertisement you ran in the magazine.

· Printing and delivery expenses will be included in the final price (usually around INR 2000).


Q- Can I legally keep using my spouse’s last name without altering mine after marriage?

You can legally adopt your spouse’s last name without altering your own. A marriage license is necessary.

Q- How can I change my name when I’m still a minor on my birth certificate?

You cannot apply for a name change if you are a minor. Your parents or legal guardian must apply for the name change on your behalf. Along with their application, they must provide a copy of their legitimate birth certificate and a picture ID from the Government.

Q- How soon should I anticipate seeing my new name on my birth certificate?

For the duration of the whole operation, there is often some wiggle room in the range of a few weeks to a few months. Giving each procedure enough time to finish is preferable to avoid having to hurry anything.

Q- I often ask, “Should I publish my new name in the local paper?”

Before it may be legally binding, a notice of your new name must be published in two media places (one regional and one national). Concerns may then be raised if required after that.

Q- Where can I get the cost estimates for changing my name officially on my birth certificate?

Some affidavits and publications cost around a few hundred to a few thousand rupees. The registration fee plus the cost of advertising in your chosen newspaper will determine the ultimate price.

Q- Is it legal to change your name more than once?

Anytime you wish, you may alter your name. You must follow the same procedures to change your name again. The process of changing a person’s name on their birth certificate is subject to inquiries such as “how long does it take to change a name on a birth certificate,” “how much does it cost to change a name on a birth certificate,” and “how many times can I change my name.”

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