How to Apply for a Minor Passport Online

Irrespective of your age, a passport is a vital document that every citizen of the country needs to have. Besides, proving your citizenship passport plays a crucial role that allows you to travel beyond your home country. Generally, in India a passport is only available for adults, and special case for minor passport applicant which means the one who is above 18. The individual must be an Indian resident. You can apply for a fresh passport or even renew your current passport, provided you meet the eligibility criteria. To get a new passport or renew it, you have to submit necessary documents or the mandatory documents mentioned on the web portal.

Besides adults, the Government of India issues passports to infants and newborn babies along with minors. The minor kids are below 18 years. The parents or the guardians have to apply for a passport for minors on behalf of their kids. They can get a passport depending on the application they make. It is mandatory to submit important documents. You are in the right place as you can learn everything about passport applications for minors here

How to apply for a minor passport online

As per the new rules laid out by the Government of India, every child below the age of 18 needs
to have their own passport, and it is no longer valid to just have the father’s endorsement on
their passport. Generally, the government issues a passport featuring around 36 pages. When it
comes to minor passports, India includes everything from a passport for child minors and infant
passports. The requirements and the fees that you have to pay for a minor passport are way
different from what you generally pay for a regular adult passport.

What does the minor passport feature?

What does the minor passport feature?
  • To apply for the minor passport applicant should be below 18 years of age
  • Even if a baby is just a few days old, they cannot endorse a passport in the mother or father’s name. Considering the law, you should always apply for a fresh passport for your child. Parents need to keep all the documents ready for the passport application.
  • You need to submit the attested copy of your little one’s passport provided if one of you, that is, the parent, lives in a foreign nation. It is mandatory for the application process of minor passport India
  • If one of the parents stays in a foreign nation, then it is not compulsory for them to have a passport.
  • The passport validity for a minor’s passport is just around ten years. Irrespective of the age you are applying for your little one’s passport, the fact remains the same.
  • Both the parents need to submit a consent form for applying for the passport, provided the minor child is living with the guardian or the parents.
  • While you are applying for a minor passport online, you need to submit some documents which are mentioned here undoubtedly.
  • It is compulsory for minors to submit some documents that prove their birth and address.
  • The parents need to ensure that they submit a photocopy of their passport, either both or one of them.

Eligibility criteria for minor passport

As per the Indian government laws, a minor case is anyone who is below 18 years of age. The
parent of the child has to submit the minor passport. As per the laws revolving around the Indian
passport issuance, parents can even apply for the little one’s passport while the child is just a few days old or a newborn baby.

If one of the parents has passed away due to any circumstances, then other parents can apply for a minor passport for their child. The legal guardian is responsible for applying for a passport for the minor child in case both the parents have passed away.

Eligibility criteria for minor passport

Mandatory documents for a minor passport application

Mandatory documents for a minor passport application
  • While you are applying for a minor passport online, you need to submit some documents which are mentioned here undoubtedly.
  • It is compulsory for minors to submit some documents that prove their birth and address.
  • The parents need to ensure that they submit a photocopy of their passport, either both or one of them.
  • If the parents are staying abroad, then they need to ensure that an affidavit is submitted that is attested by the consulate of India with Indian parents.
  • Bona fide college letter is also mandatory.
  • If the child is adopted, then it is important to submit a deed of adoption, and it must feature the
  • Child’s photographs that the court has attested. It is one of the most important documents that you need to submit

What should you know while you are applying for your minor child passport?

You can seamlessly apply for the minor passport online by following the guide available below.
The best part here is that the procedure for a minor passport application is pretty much the
same as your normal passport. The only difference is that you need to pay some extra fees and
also submit some extra documents. You can apply for your child’s passport provided you are
related to the child as a parent or a legal guardian

  • Firstly, you have to register your minor child on the official web portal.
  • To apply for the passport, it is mandatory to have login credentials, including your ID and password.
  • When you hit the application filing page, you have to enter all the mandatory details of your minor child and click on the submit option along with the documents.
  • Once you submit the documents, you have to choose an appointment date and time for your child’s passport in the passport office that lies in your proximity.
  • After you book your appointments, you can hit the option for payment. Then, print the receipt once you have the money for your child’s passport.
  • You need to know that as a standard rule of passport laws, both parents must accompany their child to the passport appointment. Under all the conditions, the child must be present physically for the passport appointment. Paying the fees online is compulsory once you are done confirming the passport interview slot.

Photo size requirements for a minor passport

Photo size requirements for a minor passport

When it comes to passport applications for minors online, you have to align with the photo
requirements so that the process is accepted completely

  • The Indian passport Seva Kendra specifies that the miner needs to have only a single color photograph
  • The front view of the minor’s face must be visible perfectly in the photograph
  • Parents must ensure they submit the latest photograph featuring dimensions 4.5 * 3.5
  • The child should not be grinning or raising eyebrows in the photograph, which parents must ensure before submitting the passport.
  • Parents must ensure that they submit a passport that is printed on the best paper quality
  • There is a designated space for passport photographs, so parents must use the same to paste the photocopy.
  • When it comes to the background of the photograph, parents have to ensure that they submit the image featuring a plain white background while the minor must be dressed in any dark-colored clothing.
  • The tone quality of the image must be continuous, and of course, the image must be as clear as possible.
  • Another thing the parents must keep at the back of their mind while submitting a minor passport online is the facial features and the eyes of the child. They need to ensure that the child’s eyes are wide open and should be visible clearly. Additionally, the ears should also be visible clearly to the passport officer

Fees for minor passport

Fees for minor passport

If you are applying for passport renewal of your minor child when you need to pay INR 1000 for
a standard passport, while if you are applying for a tatkal passport, then you have to pay INR
The amount is the same for minors aged between 15 years to 18 years

Exceptional cases for the application of minor passport

There are some exceptional cases for minor passports where you need to submit some extra
documents, and some of them are mentioned here

Exceptional cases for the application of minor passport

Parents of a minor child with a pending divorce

Before applying for your minor child’s passport, you need to take prior permission from the
respective court if your divorce is pending before the court, and you are parents to a minor child.
The permission is important provided you need to submit the passport application without the
consent of the other parent, or you also have to apply for the passport with annexure c form
declaration. In this form, you have to give the reasons why you are doing the same.

Divorced parent with custody of the child

If you are a single parent of a minor child and your child has custody with you, then you do not
have to get any consent from your partner or another parent before you apply for your child’s
passport. But in that case, you have to submit the Annexure C form besides the copy of the
order from the respective court. The form must have all the valid reasons and should be signed
by the respective authority.

Exception of an unwed mother

If you are an unwed mother of a minor child and if you know or don’t know the father of the child, then you can submit the declaration under annexure forms C and D. You must submit the declaration while you are applying for your little one’s passport. You can leave the space Blank, which mentions the name of the Child’s father.

A case where one of the parents ignores the child

Suppose you are married to a partner that claims to be in no contact with you or has ended all
the relationships with the little one. In that case, such a parent legally has the custody of the
child to submit the declaration under Annexure C. Under such cases, the procedure remains the
same irrespective of whether the father holds the child custody or the mother.

You need to follow the steps mentioned above if you want to apply for a minor passport for your Lil ones. However, this guide makes things seamless when you are new to passport applications.

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