How to Gender Change in Odisha | Procedure to Change gender in Odisha

Procedure Of Gender Change In Odisha

Gender Change In Odisha: Gender change, also known as sex reassignment surgery, has been a topic of discussion In Odisha for many years. It involves altering one’s gender identity from their biological sex at birth. The process can include various surgeries and hormone therapies, including breast implants, facial surgery, etc. 

Odisha is a country that has long been known for its conservative views on gender and sexuality. However, in recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the rights of the transgender community and a great understanding of gender diversity.

The process of gender change In Odisha is complex and often difficult. The lack of awareness and support from the medical community and society makes accessing comprehensive healthcare services and counseling challenging. 

Additionally, there is a lack of legal provisions for gender-affirming surgeries and hormonal therapy. 

However, there are a few organizations and healthcare providers working towards creating a supportive environment for gender transitioning. The Odishan government has also taken steps recently to provide legal recognition, equal rights, and protection to transgender people.

Reasons for gender change in Odisha

Reasons for gender change in Odisha 

There is a term known as gender dysphoria, in which an individual feels uncomfortable with their assigned gender and identifies with the opposite gender. This can cause significant stress, anxiety, and depression and may lead to suicidal thoughts. 

  • Gender change surgery can provide relief by aligning the individual’s physical appearance with their gender identity. Societal pressures and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community In Odisha can also play a role in gender change In Odisha. 
  • The LGBTQ+ community in Odisha is fighting for greater acceptance and inclusion in society. Many NGOs and activists have started working towards this cause, educating people and creating space for the Odishan transgender community. 
  • This includes supporting gender change and creating funding programs for gender reassignment surgeries. Our society makes fun of them, names them with offensive words, and treats them as if they are different from humans. To get the same treatment as a normal human being, people use to get their gender changed. 
  • Gender change surgery allows individuals to live authentically and reduce the stigma associated with their gender identity. Many transgender individuals face discrimination in education, employment, healthcare, and housing which can negatively impact their mental health and quality of life. 
  • Gender change surgery can allow these individuals to live authentically and reduce the stigma associated with their gender identity.

Document required for gender change In Odisha

  • Application form of Gender Change (available at the registrar’s office)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Medical Certificate stating gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder
  • Affidavit stating a desire to under gender change 
  • Proof of residence(any valid identity proof such as a driving license, passport, or voter ID)
  • Police verification certificate
  • Court order permitting gender change (optional )
  • Any other relevant medical or legal document

Procedure to gender change In Odisha

In Odisha, the procedure for gender change involves steps and legal requirements. At first, a person needs to approach district court to declare their desired gender identity legally. 

Medical Documents

This declaration should be supported by medical documents that prove a person’s gender dysphoria or any other medical condition that requires gender transitioning. Once the court approves the declaration, the person can apply for a new birth certificate. They would also need to change their name on all legal documents. 

Counseling Session

The procedure for gender change In Odisha requires counseling sessions with a mental health professional to ensure the person’s mental and emotional stability before transitioning. However, the process is often time-consuming and challenging due to society’s lack of awareness about transgender issues and the appalling stigma attached to gender non-conformists. 

The costs of gender change surgeries and medical procedures are prohibitively high for most transgender individuals In Odisha, and insurance companies often do not cover the cost. This has led to many transgender individuals resorting to self-medication and procedures, which can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

Procedure to publish gazette notification

Affidavit of Gender Change

The affidavit of gender change is a crucial document for gender change.

Publication in a newspaper

Publication of gender change advertisement in two newspapers after creation of the affidavit. One newspaper is in English, the other is in the local newspaper.

Gazette Notification

The first step is to prepare the notification in the prescribed format. The notification should contain all the necessary details, like the notification’s title and the date of notification.

Once notification is prepared, it needs to be approved by the concerned department or authority. The notification should be reviewed for accuracy.

  • After the approval process, the notification must be submitted to the government department responsible for publishing the notification in the Gazette.
  • The department will charge a fee for publishing the notification in the Gazette. 
  • The notification will then be published in the Gazette, and the department will provide a copy of the Gazette publication to the person who submitted the notification.
  • Additional copies of the publication may be requested depending on the need.
  • The person who submitted the notification should keep a copy of the published notification for their records.


In conclusion, while there has been progress in legal recognition for transgender individuals in Odisha, there is still a long way to go. The lack of access to affordable and safe gender reassignment surgery and the discrimination towards transgender individuals in society need ongoing attention and action. It is up to all individuals and communities to work towards greater inclusion for all. 

By changing their gender, they can express themselves and improve their mental health and quality of life. Gender change was recognized as a fundamental right by the Odishan Supreme Court in 2014. It opens up opportunities for them to access education, employment, and healthcare. The acceptance of gender change contributes to a more diverse and inclusive society and helps in reducing the stigmatization of marginalized groups.

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